What cuntard is responsible for this fucking travesty?
Seriously? How fucking cuntishly thick and demented do you have to be even consider promoting lunacy like that to the front page of your website.
Oviously, I left a comment in response:
Addition some 3 hours later:
Excellent! Some pig-ignorant fucktard has already posted an inflamatory response. I returned fire:
Allow me to paraphrase your response:
"Yeah, science is dumb cos I dunt unnerstand it."Still happy enough for it to provide you with the computer or phone you've posted this from, hey. And the food production system that keeps you alive, the medicines that cure your many diseases, the engineering allowing you to stay dry, warm and secure.
In response, I believe worms don't experience pain and suffering because I stand on the shoulders of scientific giants who have accumulated evidence to suggest that they can't. The idea that an animal as simple as a worm or lower molluscs (I specifically exclude cephalopods because of their sophistication) can experience any mental stimuli in a manner similar to mammals is laughable to anyone with even the most basic appreciation of comparative anatomy. I suggest you read this Wikipedia article. There are ample referenes at the end to peer-reviewed papers. Pay particular attention to the Comparative anatomy and evolution section.
I hope your arrogance in insulting and contradicting me is underlain by an advanced understanding of the subject that you will be willing to share with me here. I would be most grateful if you could provide a single piece of evidence which suggests that lower animals can feel pain because, as a scientist, I am anxious to learn and keen to establish the truth in an objective and well-evidenced fashion.
If I sound uptight and condescending, its because I am.
Addition another 10 minutes later:
Okay, after re-reading his comment I realised I hadn't been nearly harsh enough with this guy. So here's the follow-up:
Sorry, I tried to refrain from challenging this idiocy but I'm so profoundly irritated by @Britcominghome's comment that I'm just going to go nuts.
You wrote:
"That a living entity doesn't 'experience pain and suffering' is simply a moronic thing to say."
So, according to you, an amoeba can experience pain and suffering, yes?
How about a cyanobacterium?
How about the moss growing out on the deck?
The tapeworm burrowing its way through you intestines and the bacteria they contain?
You're an idiot. Mainly for that comment, but also for the "blacks" one too.
Let's see if it gets deleted.