Thursday, November 29, 2007

this is fucking appalling

I'm not saying that schools should go out of their way to teach about the holocaust but . . . . . . wait a minute! That's exactly what I'm saying! How the fuck can you educate children about the importance of human values without teaching them the history of classic examples of such values being cast aside? I can't believe that this multicultural cockpus is actually being considered. I would like to say that I am going to write to my MP but that never achieved shit so what can I do but state again my intention to abandon this plutocratic, fuckpit, shitstorm of a pseudo-democracy as soon as I can and take up residence in morally and culturally superior nation where my significant taxes will fund progressive and humanist policies (exactly where that is has yet to be determined, obviously). Not this postmodern phallus-palace of extremist-coddling, holocaust-denying, apostate-murdering, arranged-marriage-endorsing, capitalist fundamentalist, authoritarian bastards.

Johann Hari interviews Ayaan Hirsi Ali

This is cool and is wonderful kick to the knackers of multiculturalism and those Western liberals who gush perpetual torrents of gooey awe over "people of other faiths" and "ancient cultures". Its incredibly disconcerting that she has now been embraced by US wingnuts and is mouthing their vacuous racisms, Johann does well to separate these newly espoused beliefs from Ayaan's previousl humanist position. I recommend his links at the end to articles on the absurdity of the demographic invasion argument.

As this well drafted piece reveals, however, Islam is not the only of the Abrahamic religions to specifically endorse misogyny.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Order of The Science Scouts of Exemplary Repute and Above Average Physique

By the grace of all that is good about science I have achieved the following prestigious achievements in Science Scouting:

the plural of mongoose . . . . . .

is mongeese

"The mongoose emits a high pitched noise, commonly known as giggling, when it mates. The giggling is also a form of courtship when this animal is choosing a mate"

BTW- I'm posting drunk again . . . . . . . . . oh dear.

Ben Verwaayen is a corporate cockweasel

Check out the comments, particularly the first one from IShouldApologise. Verwaayen gets such a well-deserved mauling for his corporate greenwash that it warms my heart. I gave him some too.


no comment required

See what I mean?

It came from this page.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Like we didn't already know that renewable generation is completely cost effective

Some monkeys have done some sums and come up with a price to replace Europe's current electricity supply entirely with wind generation at a cost of £40 billion, plus the cost of a few thousand turbines. The plan can be made reality in 3-5 years, presenting an incredible opportunity to do something cost-effective and practical about the looming threat of climate change.

The UK government- the elite of climate change denialists- have, of course, declined to participate despite the increasingly unequivocal nature of the problem. This means that the government are actually acting against our interests, invalidating the reason for their existence. Do the public know this? Probably not. Too busy watching Ugly Betty or East Enders. Fuckers.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

microwave converts plastic back into oil

This is so cool. It reminds me of a piece of background in sci-fi stories where future generations mine landfill sites for our generation's waste which is, by then, a valuable source of raw materials.

peak oil and Gordon Brown's dereliction of his duty to secure energy supplies

David Strahan has a CiF piece on the government's abject failure to plan for peak oil.

"Tony Blair wrote in last year's energy review that it was a principal duty of government to secure energy supply. He was right. Gordon Brown must now abandon the reliance on IEA forecasts, institute a truly independent assessment of global oil depletion and launch a massive programme of mitigation. Anything less would be dereliction.

But of course he won't. Even more than climate change, peak oil demands that governments confront voters with uncomfortable truths that will affect living standards. In Whitehall, legs will remain crossed and buttocks clenched as politicians and officials pray to God that it doesn't happen in their term of office, or before they draw their inflation-linked pension."

Monday, November 19, 2007

baseline data on output from renewable sources

This was distributed on the UK Green Party email list and looks to be an excellent source of information for anyone planning a renewable generation installation.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Brown builds pressure on Iran

In a clear attempt to demonstrate he is even more of a poodle than Tony Blair ever was, Brown declared his intention today to push for further unwarranted sanctions against Iran. In a move likely to generate even greater anti-Western feeling in the Middle East he completely ignored Israel's illegal nuclear arsenal, the US's breach or unilateral withdrawal from several non-proliferation treaties and the UK's own breach of the NNPT and condemned Iran's fictional weapons program.

"When we are dealing with nuclear proliferation, this needs to be taken seriously." said the Prime Minister. Whether we should take Egypt's, Pakistan's India's or, indeed, anyone else's nuclear programs seriously he didn't feel at liberty to say.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Green Party leadership vote

This poll makes interesting reading. Of course, the majority is voting in accoradnce with yours truly. My world dominance spreads forth!!

BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaHahHAAHAHAHAhahahahahAHahHHahaahaaaa. a.a. . . . ..

nearly 900 views!

Its pathetic, I know. But I do actually pay attention to the little counter in the bottom left of the page. Not much attention- I have no illusions about my writing style being in any way "popular" or "accessible". But then these pages are far more for my benefit than any of you ugly fuckers! Consider yourselves lucky to have access to my wisdom and insight! When I rule the world I will make these pages compulsory education for all children over the age of 10.

Grateful, they should be.

When it hits 1000 I will make sure I have some powerful drugs on hand to celebrate. That's really not much out of the ordinary but hey!


US uses threats to pressure EU nations to reduce investment in Iran

In an unsurprising piece of geopolitical maneouvering the Bush administration is threatening EU-based firms with loss of US business if they continue to invest in Iran. I often wonder how these maniacs try to justify such strong-arm tactics to themselves but I've simply given up: They just don't seem to consider other nations as having any sort of rights at all. They certainly don't intend to deal with Iran's numerous humanitarian abuses themselves, they have simplied branded the entire regime and its subjects, including Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, Sikhs and probably Moonies too "evil". Their justification for this? Well, its obvious- the Iranians want a nuclear bomb (no evidence), to use against "us". Who "us" is is not at all clear. Certainly it includes the tortuing, murdering, ethnic cleansing apartheid regime of Israel. It probably includes the tortuing, murdering, ethnic cleansing regime of good old Sunni Saudi Arabia too (viewed by the Shia government of Iran as US vassals and heretics). However, at the same time as these morons are entering apoplectic fits of rage at the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran they are doling out nuclear technology to nations such as India, which almost went to war against its similarly nuclear-armed neighbour, Pakistan a few eyars ago. Pakistan itself is a dictatorship, currently under martial law and undergoing internal strife over the prospect of democratic elections. Pakistan is also thought to be sheltering the remnants of Al Qaeda's bigwigs in its lawless and ungovernable Western provinces. The Pakistani regime is firmly propped up by US military support and aid but are they on the receiving end of international sanctions for their nuclear program? No, they are not.


Thursday, November 08, 2007

the 80% challenge

This looks very, very cool.

I haven't read it yet as I am working (yeah, really hard!) but I will update when I have done so.



I still haven't read it but the preamble refers to a sister report which looks just as cool, as does the IPPR study associated with it.

Green Party leadership debate

There's a party-wide vote currently happening in the GP about whether or not we need a single leader or whether the party should continue with its policy of having a 10 person executive and two "principle speakers"- one male and one female. Very egalitarian and PC, I here you say, but so fucking what?

Well, I'm of the opinion that this policy- unique amongst UK political parties- damages GP credibility by making us appear to be unguided and lacking leadership- whether or not this is the case (I think its probably not). To me, political pragmatism dictates that people will refuse to vote for a party that they can't connect with and the dumbing down of UK politics has reached a level where such a progressive position alienates the elctorate. And ultimately a political party can't afford to do that- least of all a party with the only manifesto that I believe can preserve our way of life in the face of the enormous threats bearing down on us as a result of our gross excesses.

A comment from some guy on the GP facebook page reads:

"I find it staggering that you find party members who will say straight out that they're not that bothered about winning elections. True - there are more important thing in life, but our raison d'etre is to be the green movement's electoral wing - not its philosophical debating society."

This is particularly well put.

I did, however, encounter a yet superior diatribe on the subject, courtesy of "spiggynodules" on a CiF article by Derek Wall, GP male Principle Speaker and advocate of the status quo. It will quickly become apparent why I favour this version ;~)

"- For God's sake, you stupid hippy!

The Green Party scored like 8%, 12%, 16% of the vote in one Euro Election, a million years ago.
- And ever since then, you're like dead, dude!

How can "green issues" be getting bigger and nastier every single year, and you suckers have more or less completely disappeared?

"You" don't need a leader?

The planet needs you to have a bloody leader, and a great one! You need a Churchill... and the planet needs you to have a Churchill.

But you're still antsy-farty about one "ego" (maaaan) spoiling the overall veggie-pacifist, laid back, non-male, impeccably girly, superbly "surrendered" image of the party.

"It's not like there's any sense of urgency here, is it?"
- Chucking Smell!
It's the biggest issue, on the planet, now or ever. And you dweebs don't want to be "too assertive".

Look, chummy, if being useless is all you wanna do, then do us all a favour and get out of politics; stop splitting the anti-Tory vote while being nothing!"

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

books I want - "Capitalism as if the World Matters"

By Jonathan Porritt- one of the architects of the Green Party (back then it was called the Ecology Party).

This is an updated edition with more material in it. I like the premise- capitalism is a suitable system but its abuse is threatening our environment's integrity and our health and wellbeing.

Rudy Giuliani is a cock-weasel

The latest character I have chosen to brand in this way is good 'ole lock-'em-up-and-throw-away-the-key Rudy. He's a dirty little cristo-fascist toerag straight out of the Bush mold. An example, if you will:

"The man lies with staggering impunity. But here's the thing: he does it with such conviction and such seeming authority that people who are not inclined to study the matter will believe him - will in fact be utterly convinced that Giuliani is speaking the gospel truth, and they will prove almost impossible to shake from this conviction."

many UK MPs are essentially highly paid lobbyists

From George's archives.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Power Trip - a film by Paul Devlin

This was just on BBC4 and it was fucking awesome! A factual background to the story is available here as a PDF.

Patrick Cockburn on Basra

He relates how the British armed forces have abjectly failed in their attempts to wrest control of Basra from the militias after the invasion. Its a pretty pathetic tale, the text of which should be tattooed onto Tony Blair's eyeballs so that he can't avoid its grim reality as long as his eyes are open. A luminescent ink would eliminate even that respite . . . . .

how to write a powerful polemic, with Robert Fisk and George Monbiot

Two further articles of note today. Firstly Robert Fisk's review of the film "Rendition" together with assorted background details of the true story the plot was derived from. Secondly, we have George's nice little roasting of Western government's embrace of the biofuel greenwash.

Tax Justice Network

I heard about these guys from a Guardian article. I like the cut of their jib.

Monday, November 05, 2007

faith schools pushing up stealth selection practices

The government seem to think that the reason faith schools get better results is because of their religious ethos. Actually its just because the selection criteria on the basis of religion gives them ample reason to reject less able pupils just as grammar schools used to do.


Polly Toynbee also thinks faith schools suck ass.

The Misanthropic Principles: Principle Number 4

Everyone has a price. Even scientists.


In fact, especially scientists. Because we get paid fuck all.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

environmentalism is synonymous with a strong economy

This was referenced indirectly in Sharon Beder's book Global Spin that I'm reading at the moment. Corporate cock-weasels take note! Your arguments that environmentalist policies are bad for the economy are flawed and not supported by evidence!