Wednesday, November 28, 2007

UK nuclear consultancy

The Lazy Environmentalist blogged about this and has several excellent points to make. I also tried to take part in the consultancy, being similarly concerned that this bullshit technology was being pushed on us without reason (surprise, surprise!). The consultancy was an opportunity to make a serious contribution to government policy. However, I started filling in boxes on the website with well-crafted and researched arguments and got as far as the 3rd page before I ran out of time to research and write my response. My point is that it shouldn't be up tot he public to do the research on these matters. If the government's research can't be trusted (which it can't because they're cockweasel's; Q.E.D.) then an independent reviewer should have been assigned to the task, as Sir Nicholas Stern was for the economic impact of climate change.

This is all superfluous to the fact that renewable generation programs, both wind and solar, have been demonstrated to be vastly cheaper alternatives.

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